"Video Guerrilha" in São Paulo: An 13 Stellen in der Augusta-Straße sind derzeit großformatige Bilder an Hauswänden zu sehen. AFP PHOTO / Yasuyoshi CHIBA

“Video Guerrilha” in São Paulo: An 13 Stellen in der Augusta-Straße sind derzeit großformatige Bilder an Hauswänden zu sehen. AFP PHOTO / Yasuyoshi CHIBA

Video Guerrilha 2012 – San Paolo, Rio, Brasilia

In the Fall of 2012 Mat Rappaport was invited to participate and curate a program of video work for large-scale outdoor projections. The artists selected from Chicago region represent a diverse array of aesthetic and conceptual approaches to video making.


Annette Barbier and Drew Browning – www.unreal-estates.com

Melika Bass – www.tenderarchive.com

Pat Badani – www.patbadani.net

Paul Catanese – www.paulcatanese.com

Jeanne Dunning – www.art.northwestern.edu/programs/faculty/dunning.html

Dale Kaminski – vimeo.com/user1295250

Ei Jane Lin – eijanejanetlin.com

Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Yim – www.localstyle.tv

Mat Rappaport – www.meme01.com

Dolores Wilber – doloreswilber.com

Folha De S. Paulo, 11-22-2012
a review of the festival

Spiegel Online
a photo gallery from the festival


Run time: 47min 37sec

number Artist/s Duration Title

01 Boink!, 1:08
Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Yim

02 Death By Falling, 0:45
Jeanne Dunning

03 Lutar ferozmente, 8:15
Doores Wilber

04 Death by Gunshot 0:59
Jeanne Dunning

05 Visible From Space, 7:20
Paul Catanese

06 Planos Dalek, 3:06
Dale Kaminski

07 resort composition 01, 3:15
Mat Rappaport

08 Death by Hanging, 0:56
Jeanne Dunning

09 Approach, 2:12
Annette Barbier and Drew Browning

10 Hypercapitalism, 3:29
Ei Jane Lin

11 Bulb in the Head, 4:45
Melika Bass

12 Dying Alone, 1:51
Jeanne Dunning

13 AL GRANO Project: Crop – Cropping, Sugar Daddy, 3:08
Pat Badani

14 Fluid Mechanics Remix, 6:01
Marlena Novak & Jay Alan Yim


PROGRAM 02 – Vertical Projections
Run time: 24min 11sec

01 Planos Dalek, 2:59
Dale Kaminski

02 AL GRANO Project: Crop – Cropping, Sugar Daddy, 2:35
Pat Badani

03 resort composition 01, 3:15
Mat Rappaport

04 Visible From Space, 7:02
Paul Catanese

05 Lutar ferozmente, 8:15
Dolores Wilber