Ar2 View, an augmented reality catalog is launching at at the College Art Association Conference next week in New York City. The catalogue includes 19 projects by 24 artists and collaboratives, an introductory essay by Conrad Gleber and critical essays by Mimi Sheller and Meredith Hoy. The work is also available online here.
If you are in New York for CAA please come by for an informal discussion of the project Wednesday February 13th from at 5pm in the Hilton Hotel bar.
AR* TO VIEW – Call for Participation
Deadline for Submissions: November 22nd.
The College Art Association Services to Artists committee in collaboration with v1b3 (v1b3.com) are producing a printed catalogue of Augmented Reality (AR) art works entitled AR* TO VIEW. Each artist’s page in the catalogue will connect viewers to the AR art works visible on a smart phone using an image recognition software that will be triggered by the pages in the book.
The AR* TO VIEW catalogue will be dynamic (active) for three years.
The full call is here.
Expose, Intervene, Occupy: Re-interpreting Public Space
unreal-estates and v1b3 have produced an augmented reality application for internet enabled mobile devices that interrogates the meaning of public space using models, images, text, and movies overlaid on locations in Chicago’s Loop. Principal investigators include Annette Barbier, Drew Browning, Cezanne Charles, Conrad Gleber, John Marshall, Mat Rappaport and Gail Rubini. Invited artists include Celine Browning, Adam Trowbridge and Jessica Westbrook.
The project will be live for several years and will be presented at the UFVA [University Film and Video Association] Conference and at ISEA 2012.
more information can be found here.
The College Art Association Services to Artists committee in collaboration with v1b3 (v1b3.com) are producing a printed catalogue of digital media art works entitled SCAN2GO. The catalogue will represent the artworks by printed QR codes, which function to connect viewers to digital media art works by using a smart phone.
more information can be found here.
v1b3 is an international curatorial project that aims to present video art that responds to the conditions of site specificity and a public viewer-ship. Urban planners and architects shape cities by means of infrastructure, zoning and buildings. However, other modes of intervention exist capable of influencing the development of city-space. v1b3 brings attention to communicative media interventions to transform public spaces.
v1b3 Video in the Built Environment’s core collaborators are Conrad Gleber, Mat Rappaport, Gail Rubini & rootoftwo to explore the proliferation of video screens and projections and their impact on urban space. Their collaboration is open to other artists, architects and designers interested in similar issues.