Christine Marie
Antiquated A.R.
hand- made light, metal disk and lightbulb
project description
Antiquated A.R. provides the opportunity to view a non-digital stereo image while wearing 3D anaglyph eye wear. What role and relevance do obsolete analog techniques play amid digital technology? Philosopher and author Marshall McLuhan contended, media are much more than just menial tools we deploy to convey a message. Media are extensions of our senses. They liberate our senses from our bodies. Each medium, independent of the content it mediates, has its own intrinsic effects. These effects are its unique message. Electric light itself is pure information, a medium without a message free from the restraints of time and space.
Christine Marie is a visual artist and director creating original lo-fi spectacles of large-scale cinematic shadow theater, film, and installation. Her work integrates performers, objects and hand-made special effects to elicit connections with concepts, phenomenology, and history in emotional and visually stimulating experiences. Marie strives to break new ground within her form while being intrinsically tied to ancient art forms and the metaphysical exploration of light. She is pioneering the use of non-digital 3D/stereoscopic works by inventing lights that cast 30-foot shadows that move into cubic space.
Christine Marie received an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts in Puppetry & Integrated Media. Her last full-length production 4 Trains, premiered at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. She studied Wayang Kulit, traditional shadow puppetry in Bali and is a former member of ShadowLight theater. Marie is a TED Fellow. She has taught shadow animation at Pixar and DreamWorks studios. She has worked with shadows for over fifteen years and has a life-long commitment to the form. Her installation Shadows In Stereo is currently on view in San Francisco at the McEvoy Foundation for the Arts.
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