SEEN AND HEARD : sites and articles that include v1b3.
Matt Stromberg, Dreamlike Projections Hidden in an Alleyway
Hyperallergic, June 5, 2019
Nathan Shafer, Augmenting Wilderness: Points of Interest in a Pre-Connected World. Chapter 14. Augmented Reality Art. edited by Vladimir Geroimenko. Springer. 2014 Cham, Switzerland
Carrie Ida Edinger, Discussion Resumed from the Art2Make Exhibit, Media-N. Spring 2014: V10 N.01
Carrie Ida Edinger, Print and Digital Media Object Observations, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Melissa Potter, A Room to View, Media-N. Fall 2011 Vol. 7 No. 2
Kate Taylor, Programming Video Art for Urban Screens in Public Space,
First Monday, online peer reviewed journal, Special Issue #4
Michelle Kasprzak, The Art of the Interstitial, Glowlab website
[ An article about public video screens, she has included a link to v1b3. ]
June 2006
Castlefield Gallery,Manchester, UK
As part of Daria Martin’s show ‘Wintergarden’ the v1b3 summer 05 and spring 05 DVDs will be included in an accopanying video and film archive.
Americans for the Arts Conference, Milwaukee, WI
Material Meaning: Process, Product and Preservation in Public Art
mobile video presentation of v1b3 activities to date