Alex Myers and Daniel Rourke
Alex Myers and Daniel Rourke, RAWerTUNES10.EXE (3Dude Remix)
RAWerTUNES10.EXE is a noise-art album made in homage to the now late, (great?) iTunes 10 release. As iTunes 11 makes its way onto computers across the globe this album will remain as a media-archive of splendid noises transcoded from iTunes 10 executables. Exapted from the same raw code each track is now accompanied by its own ‘Dude’ ready to be 3D printed, at your own (great) expense.
Download MyersRourke.stl
Alex Myers Biography
Alex Myers is an artist and professor who makes artgames. He explores how accidental meaning and anomalous discourse emerges when breaking rule-based game spaces. Alex teaches at Bellevue University in Bellevue, NE, and has exhibited at NP3 in Groningen, Nikolaj Kunsthallen in Copenhagen,Lab for Electronic Art and Performance, Berlin, Interaccess in Toronto, FACT in Liverpool, and LACDA in Los Angeles, among others.
Daniel Rourke Biography
Daniel Rourke is a writer, artist and digital hoarder currently finalising a practice-based PhD at Goldsmiths, University of London. His research concerns the representation of mutation in digital cultures and the post-humanities. He lectures at Kingston and South Bank Universities, and writes regularly for, and Transfer Gallery, New York. His work has appeared in AfterImage, Texte Zur Kunst and Alluvium. Daniel’s portfolio confounds his best interests at