Call For Participation

(Tangible) Manifestations of Code CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Art2Code is a catalog that will exhibit the work of artists who use computer programming and code to create work that manifests as screen imagery, sculptural objects, installation environments, or time-based performance. The collected artworks will highlight the various ways algorithms and computer coded instructions are used to […]
CAA 2016 Washington DC Call for Artist Walks
DC LIVE: CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline for Proposals: Friday September 11th \\ PROJECT STATEMENT In February of 2016 The College Art Association Conference will occur in Washington DC. Washington DC is the center of our national government and consists of infrastructure and symbols of national identity including the National Mall, governmental buildings and monuments. Additionally, […]
Art2Make Call for Submissions Posted
INFORMATION & DEADLINES ART2 Make (Objects you can print for yourself) College Art Association, Conference, Chicago, February 12-15, 2014 ART2 Make is an exhibition of artists that create sculptural objects using digital files and 3D printing techniques. The published catalog attempts to create an expanded dialogue by using emerging and innovative digital technologies and is a model for […]
AR* TO VIEW Call for Participation
The College Art Association Services to Artists committee in collaboration with v1b3 ( are producing a printed catalogue of Augmented Reality (AR) art works entitled AR* TO VIEW. Each artist’s page in the catalogue will connect viewers to the AR art works visible on a smart phone using an image recognition software that will be triggered […]