Dissolving Sights: an Exhibition

image: Gina Napolitan
DISSOLVING SIGHTS: An Exhibition of Projection Art
February 24th, 6-10pm
504 Chung King Court
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The projection overlays itself onto objects and architecture thereby merging two distinct types of information as a hybrid form. The resulting effect of presenting an “image skin” over the objects and built environment transforms, informs and at times confuses a static understanding of place while emphasizing an intimate viewing situation. Dissolving Sights brings together the work of ten artists who use projection as a significant part of their practice, while engaging themes of place, resistance and dreams.
The exhibition, organized by Janie Geiser, Bora Kyung Min Lee, Miwa Matreyek, Laurie O’Brien, Mat Rappaport and Susan Simpson is generously hosted by Automata, a non-profit dedicated to the creation, incubation, and presentation of experimental puppet theater, experimental film, and other contemporary art practices and v1b3, an artist-led project that explores the impact of media in the built environment through curated site-specific interventions, presentations and published documentation.
This show is in conjunction with the opening of the Peephole Cinema’s UNCOMMON SIGHTS, featuring the films of Nancy Andrews & Gina Marie Napolitan. These films will be playing 24/7 all year in the alley behind Automata
Nancy Andrews
Gabriel Bennett
Siân Bliss
Adebukola Bodunrin
Carol Ericsson
Melissa Ferrari
Janie Geiser
Adele Han Li
Christina Huang
Carole Kim
Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh
Bora Kyung Min Lee
Christine Marie
Peter Mark
Miwa Matreyek
Gina Napolitan
Laurie O’Brien
Mat Rappaport
Jorge Ravelo
Susan Simpson
Keith Skretch